Solar System - A simple, personal reading system that starts and ends completely clean, providing fantastic results. Mind Matrix just takes it one step further. This is a very subtle advance from the real mind reading methodology of Instrumental. Mind Matrix - A practical system to accurately guess thoughts a person is merely thinking of, never saying their thought aloud or writing it down. This concept opens the doors to real mind reading, revealing relevant and personal information. This can also be adapted to guess a person's past and current job profession, favorite color, what sport they may play, what kind of car they drive, and a myriad of other things. Instrumental - This progresses from the concept in Heritage, using it to guess what instrument a person may play. There are many different ways that this idea can be presented, allowing you to truly be in your spectator's heads for a few moments. mother/grandmother/etc, as well as figuring out their name. She focuses on one, and you are able to guess their relationship to her, i.e. A participant states the names of three women that are important to them, and imagines them standing in front of her. Heritage - This is one approach to an impromptu name guess. The Line Test - A drawing prediction effect, presented under the guise of a psychological test-similar to an inkblot test. The rest of the effects featured in this book are achieved through genuine psychological manipulation techniques. Mental Bending is the only effect which uses a gimmick which is easy to make. I won't give away the surprise, but this comes across as the real thing, and I'm confident in saying that it's worth the price of this manuscript all on it's own. This is not a coin bend, nor is it a mental coin bend. I would prefer if purchasers were fairly vague about what happens in this routine, as there is no other psychokinetic metal plot like this on the market. I won't say anything more than that, but the routine takes a crazy twist at the end. Mental Bending - A participant is given a quarter to hold-or any metal coin-and you cause them to feel the coin change shape in their fist altering and bending the person's mental image of what they're holding. Here is a brief description of the contents: Some of this work is genuine mind reading, achieved in a very surefire, organic way. State of Mind is a collection of psychological effects that approach real mind reading.